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Python Compiled Bytecode
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# Source Generated with Decompyle++
# File: in.pyc (Python 2.7)
'''Shared support for scanning document type declarations in HTML and XHTML.
This module is used as a foundation for the HTMLParser and sgmllib
modules (indirectly, for htmllib as well). It has no documented
public API and should not be used directly.
import re
_declname_match = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]*\\s*').match
_declstringlit_match = re.compile('(\\\'[^\\\']*\\\'|"[^"]*")\\s*').match
_commentclose = re.compile('--\\s*>')
_markedsectionclose = re.compile(']\\s*]\\s*>')
_msmarkedsectionclose = re.compile(']\\s*>')
del re
class ParserBase:
'''Parser base class which provides some common support methods used
by the SGML/HTML and XHTML parsers.'''
def __init__(self):
if self.__class__ is ParserBase:
raise RuntimeError('markupbase.ParserBase must be subclassed')
def error(self, message):
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of ParserBase must override error()')
def reset(self):
self.lineno = 1
self.offset = 0
def getpos(self):
'''Return current line number and offset.'''
return (self.lineno, self.offset)
def updatepos(self, i, j):
if i >= j:
return j
rawdata = None.rawdata
nlines = rawdata.count('\n', i, j)
if nlines:
self.lineno = self.lineno + nlines
pos = rawdata.rindex('\n', i, j)
self.offset = j - pos + 1
self.offset = self.offset + j - i
return j
_decl_otherchars = ''
def parse_declaration(self, i):
rawdata = self.rawdata
j = i + 2
if not rawdata[i:j] == '<!':
raise AssertionError('unexpected call to parse_declaration')
if None[j:j + 1] == '>':
return j + 1
if None[j:j + 1] in ('-', ''):
return -1
n = None(rawdata)
if rawdata[j:j + 2] == '--':
return self.parse_comment(i)
if None[j] == '[':
return self.parse_marked_section(i)
(decltype, j) = None._scan_name(j, i)
if j < 0:
return j
if None == 'doctype':
self._decl_otherchars = ''
while j < n:
c = rawdata[j]
if c == '>':
data = rawdata[i + 2:j]
if decltype == 'doctype':
return j + 1
if None in '"\'':
m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
if not m:
return -1
j = None.end()
elif c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ':
(name, j) = self._scan_name(j, i)
elif c in self._decl_otherchars:
j = j + 1
elif c == '[':
if decltype == 'doctype':
j = self._parse_doctype_subset(j + 1, i)
elif decltype in ('attlist', 'linktype', 'link', 'element'):
self.error("unsupported '[' char in %s declaration" % decltype)
self.error("unexpected '[' char in declaration")
self.error('unexpected %r char in declaration' % rawdata[j])
if j < 0:
return j
return -1
def parse_marked_section(self, i, report = 1):
rawdata = self.rawdata
if not rawdata[i:i + 3] == '<![':
raise AssertionError('unexpected call to parse_marked_section()')
(sectName, j) = None._scan_name(i + 3, i)
if j < 0:
return j
if None in ('temp', 'cdata', 'ignore', 'include', 'rcdata'):
match = _markedsectionclose.search(rawdata, i + 3)
elif sectName in ('if', 'else', 'endif'):
match = _msmarkedsectionclose.search(rawdata, i + 3)
self.error('unknown status keyword %r in marked section' % rawdata[i + 3:j])
if not match:
return -1
if None:
j = match.start(0)
self.unknown_decl(rawdata[i + 3:j])
return match.end(0)
def parse_comment(self, i, report = 1):
rawdata = self.rawdata
if rawdata[i:i + 4] != '<!--':
self.error('unexpected call to parse_comment()')
match = _commentclose.search(rawdata, i + 4)
if not match:
return -1
if None:
j = match.start(0)
self.handle_comment(rawdata[i + 4:j])
return match.end(0)
def _parse_doctype_subset(self, i, declstartpos):
rawdata = self.rawdata
n = len(rawdata)
j = i
while j < n:
c = rawdata[j]
if c == '<':
s = rawdata[j:j + 2]
if s == '<':
return -1
if None != '<!':
self.updatepos(declstartpos, j + 1)
self.error('unexpected char in internal subset (in %r)' % s)
if j + 2 == n:
return -1
if None + 4 > n:
return -1
if None[j:j + 4] == '<!--':
j = self.parse_comment(j, report = 0)
if j < 0:
return j
(name, j) = self._scan_name(j + 2, declstartpos)
if j == -1:
return -1
if None not in ('attlist', 'element', 'entity', 'notation'):
self.updatepos(declstartpos, j + 2)
self.error('unknown declaration %r in internal subset' % name)
meth = getattr(self, '_parse_doctype_' + name)
j = meth(j, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
if c == '%':
if j + 1 == n:
return -1
(s, j) = None._scan_name(j + 1, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
if None[j] == ';':
j = j + 1
if c == ']':
j = j + 1
while j < n and rawdata[j].isspace():
j = j + 1
if j < n:
if rawdata[j] == '>':
return j
None.updatepos(declstartpos, j)
self.error('unexpected char after internal subset')
return -1
if c.isspace():
j = j + 1
self.updatepos(declstartpos, j)
self.error('unexpected char %r in internal subset' % c)
return -1
def _parse_doctype_element(self, i, declstartpos):
(name, j) = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos)
if j == -1:
return -1
rawdata = None.rawdata
if '>' in rawdata[j:]:
return rawdata.find('>', j) + 1
def _parse_doctype_attlist(self, i, declstartpos):
rawdata = self.rawdata
(name, j) = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos)
c = rawdata[j:j + 1]
if c == '':
return -1
if None == '>':
return j + 1
(name, j) = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
c = None[j:j + 1]
if c == '':
return -1
if None == '(':
if ')' in rawdata[j:]:
j = rawdata.find(')', j) + 1
return -1
if rawdata[j:j + 1].isspace():
j = j + 1
if not rawdata[j:]:
return -1
(name, j) = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
c = rawdata[j:j + 1]
if not c:
return -1
if None in '\'"':
m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
if m:
j = m.end()
return -1
c = None[j:j + 1]
if not c:
return -1
if c == '#':
if rawdata[j:] == '#':
return -1
(name, j) = None._scan_name(j + 1, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
c = None[j:j + 1]
if not c:
return -1
if c == '>':
return j + 1
def _parse_doctype_notation(self, i, declstartpos):
(name, j) = self._scan_name(i, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
rawdata = None.rawdata
while None:
c = rawdata[j:j + 1]
if not c:
return -1
if None == '>':
return j + 1
if None in '\'"':
m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
if not m:
return -1
j = None.end()
(name, j) = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
return None
def _parse_doctype_entity(self, i, declstartpos):
rawdata = self.rawdata
if rawdata[i:i + 1] == '%':
j = i + 1
while None:
c = rawdata[j:j + 1]
if not c:
return -1
if None.isspace():
j = j + 1
j = i
(name, j) = self._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
c = self.rawdata[j:j + 1]
if not c:
return -1
if None in '\'"':
m = _declstringlit_match(rawdata, j)
if m:
j = m.end()
return -1
if c == '>':
return j + 1
(name, j) = None._scan_name(j, declstartpos)
if j < 0:
return j
def _scan_name(self, i, declstartpos):
rawdata = self.rawdata
n = len(rawdata)
if i == n:
return (None, -1)
m = None(rawdata, i)
if m:
s = m.group()
name = s.strip()
if i + len(s) == n:
return (None, -1)
return (None.lower(), m.end())
None.updatepos(declstartpos, i)
self.error('expected name token at %r' % rawdata[declstartpos:declstartpos + 20])
def unknown_decl(self, data):